Saturday, July 23, 2011

21 more days!

Ah. There are only 21 more days until I start my Disney College Program experience which is literally three weeks. As I said before nothing really interesting has happened to write about but I did get an e-mail from Disney which was about registering for classes. I am so excited and kind of having this weird out of body experience right now because it doesn't feel like it should be happening to me. It feels like it should be happening to someone else. Never once have I been able to do something like this so it is pretty amazing. I just hope that it all works out like I want it to and that I actually enjoy myself as well as work hard.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

So I was going to post...

So I was going to post but there has been NOTHING to write. I've been doing a whole lot of nothing this summer. Sleep has taken up a majority of my time. Oh yeah, and Tumblr which I've become seriously addicted to. See here: Its on Old Hollywood, by the way.
But I have been getting bombarded with e-mails by Disney. I kind of expected this though. There are only three more weeks until I go and I still have to get renters insurance. Yikes.There was a weird timing thing I had to wait for because of when I looked into it. But still, I'd better remember to do that. It wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be either.
Oh yeah, and I saw Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part Two which was great but that isn't really Disney related. I am horrible at blogging. This is why I like tumblr. Its short and concise. All you do is post a picture and write a caption if you want. Oh well.
Once I actually have stuff to write maybe I will write more.