Tuesday, March 1, 2011

What does custodial DO exactly?

So ever since I found out that I will be working Custodial I've been trying to learn more about it. I know so far that involves a) cleaning and b) walking around a lot. The more I've looked into it though the more people kept on saying that it involved guest interaction. All I could think was, 'How does cleaning involve guest interaction?' Then I found a video on youtube the other day that goes a little more into detail about what Custodial does. Now obviously, they have to make it look extremely cool for the video which was filmed for Walt Disney World. The Custodial position in Disneyland might be a little different. However if Custodial is anything like the video I found it might actually be fun, plus I totally get why I was assigned to it now. I volunteered as a tour guide in high school and worked as one during this last summer and Custodial apparently also greets guests, so I guess its a little bit like being a tour guide. The video makes it look fun at any rate and I really hope it is. I know it will involve things like cleaning bathrooms and stuff but I'm hoping to find a way to make it as enjoyable as possible.
So here is a video on Custodial:
Disney Custodians

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